By Lon L. Swartzentruber, Interim CEO of the Society for Process Consulting and Design Group International
A few months ago, I was talking with Kevin Eastway, a member of the Society for Process Consulting about his journey into the field of Process Consulting. He used language that was very familiar and also yet so elusive in our work with Clients.
“It is a journey of withness.” Kevin’s word, withness, is describing one of the most profound and elemental nuances of the Process Consulting approach. Being with a Client on their journey while in the same moment being at a very deep and personal level with them.
We are not just with them…we are deeply journeying with them.
When we walk with a Client on their journey of transformation it can be easy to get out ahead of them, pulling them towards the direction they say they want to go, but have yet to decide to actually go there. Other times it can be easy to push them a little from behind, encouraging them nicely, but pushing all the same. This is not withness.
Peter and Ed Schein often described this level of Client relationship in the 2nd editions of Humble Inquiry and Humble Leadership. The Schein’s described withness in the language of level 2.5, a professionally appropriate personal level 3 relationship with a Client. As Process Consultants this is our posture…a posture of withness.
One of things that I appreciate most about the Society for Process Consulting is that the Society is a place where practitioners can go to develop our skills in the art of Process Consulting. The Society is also a place where members can connect and dialogue with their colleagues. A place where we can come together and share stories, challenges, and triumphs in our work with Clients.
All while we honor our role as Process Consultants and our posture of listening, our partnership of helping, and our service of learning while we walk with Clients.
This is what we mean by withness.
Today, the Society announces the relaunching of our monthly blog and invite any member of the Society to write for our blog. Together, we want our blog to tell stories of withness. Examples of how the walking alongside approach (your withness with Clients) has helped them to transform for a vibrant future.
These stories will be anonymous and help each of us learn from others. If you’d like to write a withness story, please e-mail us at to sign up.
As we proceed towards a robust and vibrant future for the Society for Process Consulting, please don’t hesitate to call 616-516-9870 or e-mail me if you have any questions or thoughts about the future of the Society.
I look forward to talking with you about your journey of withness with Clients.
Warmest regards,
Lon L. Swartzentruber
Interim CEO, Society for Process Consulting