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Society Ethics Statement

As a community, we care about ETHICS, EXCELLENCE and INTEGRITY as we help individuals, teams and organizations develop and transform.

As members, we attest to:

  • Operate with the highest level of professionalism in our words, actions and publications.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest. When in doubt, alert pertinent parties, whether that be clients, vendors or partners, about possible conflicts of interest.
  • Put clients first, creating contracts and agreements that reflect client-centered, client-defined scopes of work.
  • Co-create solutions with clients using a process vs. product approach that does not artificially perpetuate more work for the consultant.
  • Engage in lifelong learning to constantly improve the consulting we provide to clients.
  • Commit to helping the next generation of process consultants thrive through tools, advice and resources.
  • Maintain business practices that meet local, state and federal policies, regulations and laws.
  • Report breaches of ethics to the Society of Process Consulting’s Standards and Ethics Committee.

©2021 Design Group International | Society Ethics Statement v1.1 18/Sept/2018

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