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Learning to Exchange Ideas With Competitive Colleagues

  • Thursday, September 08, 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Online Workshop (Meeting link provided after registration)


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listening helping learning
Book Launch Workshop Series:

Learning to Exchange Ideas With Competitive Colleagues

How can learning impact how you communicate?

September 8th @ 10am CT

Part 4 in a 4 Workshop Series!

With Mark L. Vincent's new book that released in June, listening helping learning: Core Competencies of Process Consulting, we are excited to offer this exclusive workshop series focused on understanding and tackling the process consulting approach.

Cost: Free

We are excited to share this event exclusively with all LIVE attendees and it will not be recorded.

How will this workshop work?

We'll be reviewing a case study about learning to exchange ideas with competitive colleagues. Mark L. Vincent and special guest Catherine Draeger Pederson will facilitate the conversation with Live Q&A.

What is the case study we'll be reviewing?

Oftentimes, local homeless shelters are at capacity for the winter months. Even more concerning, the need to shelter women and children keeps growing without any winter shelter space available. As a temporary solution, homeless individuals are sheltered in warming rooms within churches and community centers, though it’s clear these solutions are not sustainable. In response, MilCats, a local foundation, invited five community-based organizations (CBOs) focused on homelessness to come together to tackle the need for additional winter shelter in the city. Tired of throwing together temporary fixes, stakeholders committed to working together to find a lasting solution.

To create a stronger collaboration, MilCats is providing each of the five nonprofit partners with $10,000 for the staff time to participate in a series of meetings. However, when the diverse group of stakeholders, comprised of executive directors, front-line staff, and individuals with lived experience come into the same room, it isn’t long before each of them is jockeying for the floor, hopeful that their idea will win out over the others. There are whispers amongst the nonprofit leaders present that the foundation will give significant seed money to the solution, but nothing has been confirmed. With this underlying assumption, the nonprofit representatives are more focused on how their organization can get more “face time,” and there is little effort made to collaborate.

Meet Your Presenters:

Mark L. Vincent

Founder, Executive Advisor, and Author

Mark L. Vincent is an Executive Advisor and Facilitator for Maestro-level leaders and is the founder of Design Group International and the Society for Process Consulting. Walking alongside organizations and leaders for 30-plus years, he has developed successful initiatives with over 800 domestic and international clients. Mark can often be found having earnest conversations inside the coffee shops of Eastern Wisconsin and Boise, Idaho.

with special guest

Catherine Draeger Pederson

Adjunct Instructor & Consultant with Loving Venti

Catherine is a nonprofit entrepreneur with over 17 years of nonprofit experience and specializes in empowering people to make a difference in their community. She lives in Washington Heights, Milwaukee, with her husband and three children.

“Deep down, I’m a geek. I like research, data and learning. I can help your nonprofit run smoother, reduce your learning curve, and streamline your processes so that you’re freed up to do the work you love and serve the people you feel called to serve.” ~ Catherine

Contact Catherine to consult with your organization to develop your people, passions, or programs. She is also available to speak at your training event, conference, nonprofit, church, or community organization.

Meet Your Host:

Kim Stezala

CEO of Society for Process Consulting

Kim Stezala, M.S., has devoted more than 25 years to the nonprofit, education, and business sectors in management, volunteer, and founder roles. She is dedicated to educational access, specifically the pipeline to and through college. Combining objective analysis with the power of process consulting, Kim assists scholarship providers, youth agencies, college prep programs, colleges and universities, foundations, and membership associations to improve outcomes and handle complex organizational change. Clients partner with Kim to create programs, develop strengths, measure impact, and share results. This is accomplished through strategic program planning, evaluation and improvement, outcomes monitoring and grant reporting, stakeholder engagement, and student access and success projects. As a result, clients are better equipped to achieve their desired impact and tell their success story.

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